Hey Kojo. Thanks for your inspirational writing. I read most of your emails…. Although sometimes life does other things :)

This one in particular spoke to me … vulnerability is what I have been trying to share in the world for some years inspired by Berne Brown’s ‘Daring Greatly’

Then you got to one of my favourite humans, Mo Gawdat :)

I would love to hear your take after you have listened to a few more of Steve Bartlett’s podcasts. I am a serious fan:)

So, keep it up… some of us are reading and inspired.

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Hi Palesa.

Thank you for reading - when time is available. Life does its thing to all of us. I always have multiple unread email newsletter in my inbox that I try to get through at intervals, not always successfully.

I must confess that I listen to podcast episodes more for the guest than the host. Plus I don't listen to a lot of podcasts. Between work, reading and life, I don't always have the time to listen. If it wasn't for a recommendation from a friend, I probably would have never listened to the Mo Gawdat episode.

I will see who else Bartlett has talked to see who else he has talked to that I might enjoy. Do send through recommendations / your favourite episodes, and I will check those out.

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Thanks for responding Kojo :)

I have also shared your newsletter with a few (like minded 🙂)people. As you point out, we try our best but life often catches up and we are not always on top of all the things we would like to do, but it is such a pleasure to be able to connect once in a while.

On Diary of a CEO, I have enjoyed some of the episodes where he talks to Neuroscientists... my other interest in life is the brain and related subjects... (nerdy I know)

You take care, and keep writing!

Best regards,


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I have listened to a few episodes of Diary of a CEO in the mean time, also primarily neuroscientists and the like, such as James Nestor, Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Tara Swart.

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