Write it down

A list of seven things I thought I would share:
Not everything has to be monetisable, scalable, or functional. We are allowed to do some things just for the sake of doing them. Somewhere around the time ‘busy’ became a badge of honour, we also lost our connection with doing things for fun. Even our social and other activities feel like work or, at least, we feel the need to be document it all. Wrote about the benefits to taking up hobbies the other day.
I have such a love-hate relationship with writing. It is my job and it is the thing I do to make sense of things. Learning, Practice, and Repetition: Why the Act of Writing Is Work.
Been promising myself to play more with the Lego pieces in the house. The people they were bought for never really use them anymore. This story is definite inspiration to actually start doing Meet the Ghanaian Canadian Lego sculptor building a Black universe.
History is biased. At least documented history. The true story of Fatima al-Fihri, the founder of the world’s first known university
As it did for many, The Message by Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five changed the way I viewed and understood hip-hop.
I never realised that it was primarily written by Edward Fletcher aka Duke Boottee. In fact, sadly, I didn’t even know who he was until I came across this: Duke Bootee, Rapper and Co-Writer of Hip-Hop Classic ‘The Message,’ Dead at 69
The rise and fall of industry usually impacts far beyond what we see. Vinyl revival puts 150-year-old Japanese needle maker in the groove
I just finished reading Allison Fallon’s The Power of Writing It Down and, while it did not introduce me to anything new, when it comes to writing, it did remind me of how writing, when I did it for the sake of it, made me feel. As a working writer, I tend to overly focus on the ‘professional’/functional side of it. I am also halfway through Ray Bradbury’s Zen in the Art of Writing and I long for the space he was in, one of simple love. His love for writing comes through in every essay and is absolutely infectious.
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